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Roma 1 – Week 1


I finally made it here in Rome!!  The last days at the MTC flew by so fast.  They were really just all a blur together honestly.  We had a really good Monday, though, and we just got to talk about Italy with our teachers and learn more about the investigators that they taught and such.  It was a lot of fun and we saw some really awesome pictures and some funny videos.  It really got me excited to be able to meet the people.  We also shared about what we learned the most or what aspect did we feel like we gained a stronger testimony of.  I really learned how to teach people and not lessons.  I was able to really learn we have to teach the people and fit the Gospel to their needs and make sure they are hearing what the Lord would want them to hear and have the Holy Ghost testify of that truth to them.

Fratello Gessel, Sorella Ansted, and Sorella Preston were super awesome.  I am so thankful for my teachers and all the help that they gave me and they really did help me learn the language as well as grow spiritually.

I woke at 2:00 the next morning to get ready to go and we went to the airport.  On the first flight to Chicago I talked to a member the whole 3 hours and it was really nice and we shared some stuff that we both liked to do, but we mainly talked about the Gospel.  He made a good point on how when we have the Book of Mormon we really are better able to understand the Bible.  He shared Isaiah 53:6 (“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”) and it is kind of hard to understand fully what that means.  Then when you cross reference that with Mosiah Chapter 14 we can really see more clearly what the Savior would do for us.  The Book of Mormon compliments the Bible so well and I have thought somewhat regarding to the two and how they both give us so much.  I think of the scripture in 2 Nephi 29:8 and it really shows that they are both testifying of Christ and I just really like that they both stand as witnesses to him.  It was a really great conversation and he also said that this wasn’t going to be easy and he said you probably won’t be doing it right if it is easy all the time. [Read more…]