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Cosenza – Week 10

Ciao tutti!

I hope that everyone is doing well! Sorry I am running short on time once again! Had a lot of people to shoot emails to this week!

This week went well and we were able to have a few lessons. We weren’t able to have all that we were planning on having with our investigators, but the ones that we did have went really well. We had such a fun lesson last Monday where one of our investigators brought a friend to the lesson and we did the restoration which went so well!!

It was cool to see Anziano Nessen and I just click together. It was a lot of fun to teach and we really hope that we will continue to help these two kids recognize the answer they will receive. They are super cool! We didn’t have a chance to do a lesson with our progressing investigator, but we had almost constant daily contact which was super cool that we were able to keep an eye on him and just keep him going.

When he called on Saturday he said to us see you tomorrow morning.  That was super cool!

We had a good scambio in Crotone this past week and I was able to work with Anzinao Martinez, which went super well! I was able to learn a lot from the amount of faith that he has and how that helps him in all the different parts of the work and his life. He is a convert from Uruguay and he is really cool. He is really funny too and it is so cool to just watch someone get so much awesome work done and then just at the same time be his fun self and joke around with everybody. He is a really excellent missionary and it was a pleasure to work with him.

Anziano Nessen was “born” [started his mission] in Crotone so we went and visited this family that he worked with when he was down there about a year ago and they let us in. We stopped the scambio temporarily since they had correlation meeting in the church. It was super fun to have a lesson with this family regarding the family and the powerful doctrine of eternal families. The spirit was so strong as we bore testimony and taught about the importance of family. I know that families can be together forever and it just doesn’t make sense to work all our lives on these relationships and building these beautiful families for it all to end when we die. I know that it is once of the most beautiful and pure doctrines that was resorted through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

I know too that is something that has to be done in order and that we can’t just expect it. It needs to be done as an ordinance with Priesthood power that has been restored on the earth again thanks to Heavenly messengers. I am so thankful for that. To know I will be able to live with my family forever as I work towards completing those necessary ordinances done in the temples of our God with that proper authority.

This week it was really good to see some really cool miracles and we really hope to see a lot this week as well. We have a few days to work hard here in Cosenza then we have to go to Mistretta in Sicilia to pick up the permesso for Anziano Nessen. We look forward to working hard and seeing all that we can get done. Hope you all have a lovely week and I love you all!


Anziano Garrett

[This is the trip to Mistretta from Cosenza to get Anziano Nessen’s permesso]

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