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Ready, Set, Go!

Charleston-030115-25On our way to Wyatt’s last basketball game of the season, we stopped by Pres. Stowell’s house and he set me apart as a full-time missionary.  Now we’ll make our way to Utah, visit some family, and report to the MTC on the 4th.


  1. Margie Garrett (Grandma) says

    Another beautiful experience. I had never been present when a young man (lady) is set apart as a missionary. It was an emotional experience. Taylor, Josh, Mindy, Wyatt, Cameron and Megan were all there. Also Patty (Grandma Bell), Norm and Margie (Garrett Grandparents) and Uncle Aaron Garrett. President Stowell pronounced some beautiful words on Taylor (Josh, Norm and Aaron stood in with him). He asked for Taylor to be blessed in learning the Italian language, to increase in knowledge and understanding of the Gospel and to learn to love Italy and the people there, among other blessings. It was very touching and we are so thankful to President Stowell, as we know that his feelings are tender towards Taylor, a friend of his son Sam, who is currently serving a mission in Mesa, Arizona.

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