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Roma 1 – Week 11


Not a ton has happened this week.  We are really looking to try and find new people to teach.  We really want to work hard to find the people that are ready to receive our message.  So we did a lot of finding this week and we had some good conversations and we hope that some of them really turn out for the best.  We are really working hard to do all we can and we are going to continue to push ourselves a little further too.  I know we can’t do it alone though.  We will have help all along the way and we will be able to do what the Lord would have us do.  The Lord really blesses us as we extend forth all the effort we can to reach something. He will never leave us and neither will Christ.

Christ knows exactly how we feel at all moments of our life and they both know us personally. Even better than we know ourselves. They will always help all of us in the righteous things that we do in our lives.

Today for pday we got to play some soccer with some of the Anziani that are in Rome.  It was a lot of fun and I always love getting to meet and talk to all the other missionaries and getting to know who they are.

Something I enjoyed reading this week was from Alma 5. I love verse 12.

12 And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. Behold I say unto you that this is all true.

We can all have this mighty change of heart in our lives at some point whether it be with something in particular and different for all of us.  When we have faith this mighty change can and will come.

I also really liked the first presidency message this month talking about the pioneers.  I like the attributes that were shared that we can work on to have just as the pioneers did.  I love the stories of the pioneers and always like hearing them.  They really did so much that we can be thankful for today.  I thought it was interesting to read in the Ensign that the unity of the saints when crossing the plains was unlike any other companies.  They would help everyone and would put others before themselves.  They are truly inspiring and I love what Elder Uchtdorf said, “Our praise for the pioneers is empty if it does not cause inner reflection on our part.  I mention a few of their attributes that inspire me as I contemplate their sacrifice and commitment.”  I know as we think about them and their stories and sacrifices we can become pioneers of today.

We look forward to having a good week though!  We are really going to work hard and do all we can to help everyone we can.  I hope that all of you have a great week and are enjoying your summer!  Have an awesome 4th of July!  Love you all and miss you!


Anziano Garrett

Rome Soccer, June 2015.  Includes players serving in Rome from both zones.  (from Anziano Blazzard's blog)

Rome Soccer, June 2015. Includes players serving in Rome from both zones. (from Anziano Blazzard’s blog)

Roma 1 – Week 9


Hope everyone is having a good week!  Definitely pumped to hear the Blackhawks are doing well.  One more game and we got it.  Sorry, but I had to start with that.

This week has been a little slow with the work, but it is all looking good and we are really working hard.  We are trying our best to work with the members to find referrals and people to teach.  We were really having trouble having investigators keep commitments and it is a little hard knowing that this can bless their lives more than they may realize or know.  It is hard, too, when you see someone and get to know them, but sometimes not seeing them for a little can help change their desires and help them to get working.

We really didn’t get to see too many people this week.  One of our investigators got a baptismal date for next month so we were really excited about that.  At district meeting Anziano Rasband shared on the power of prayer and we all picked about 3 investigators to pray specifically for as a district each morning and night.  It is really awesome seeing the miracles that come through prayer and how the Lord will bless us if we ask and continue to press forward in faith.  He is willing to grant us blessings all upon us asking. I love these two verses. From Matthew 7:

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

It doesn’t rule out the fact that we also have to seek, and that sometimes seeking takes longer than we may want or think that it will.  But as we work diligently we will be able to find those things that we are looking for. [Read more…]