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Roma 1 – Week 3


Ciao tutti!!  Today was a fun P-day, but before I get to that I want to pick up a little where I left off last Thursday, so some other things i wanted to share about Elder Bednar’s conference.

He was super funny and definitely had some great jokes, don’t know why that popped into my mind, but I really wanted to share that.  He knows so well how to be guided by the spirit when he teaches.  He wants to be sure that he addresses people’s needs and I really like that.  Through the QandAs he is able to address what people need and give us answers and then I love that he makes the point not to write down everything he says but to write down the things that the spirit teaches us.  We can receive teaching from the spirit that no one else can receive.  It can be so very specific and personal to us.  This makes me think of how it is with investigators that we can’t always know exactly what they are learning if they may not be comfortable sharing everything, but as we teach through the spirit, and their hearts are softened, the spirit can touch their hearts.

I just realized that I forgot my journal at the apartment, but I will share something that he said that I really liked.  An elder asked the question pertaining to how we can best prepare now for being fathers and mothers.  Then he asked if he could add to the question.  His response was that we first have to make sure that we are good husbands and wives and that really struck me.  I really loved what he said.  We have to make sure that we are good husbands and wives and then the fathers and mothers part will follow.  I love that.  He talked about how we have the responsibility to raise our children and raise them knowing the Gospel, and I thought that was really cool.  It reminds me of this past general conference, with the focus on families.  Family is so important to me.  I love my family so much and I am so grateful to know that through God’s plan I can be with my family for eternity.  That is so powerful.  God has ordained marriage.  The important bonds we make here can be bound and sealed for eternity.  I love that.  That is such an amazing part of God’s plan for us. [Read more…]

Roma 1 – Week 2


This week has been really busy.  We are so busy every day!!  I rarely have time to write in my journal most nights!!

Let’s see, I have a lot to tell you guys this week and I may not be able to get to it all.  I had a fun first p-day here in Rome.  We got some lunch after emailing and we had some pizza and it was pretty good.  The pizza here is all sold by weight and you can get filled up for a really nice price.  But the pizza here, I have heard, is nowhere near as good as it is the further south you go.

We then went to the Trevi Fountain which was really sweet, but they are doing construction on it so there is a bunch of junk all around it, and no water, so that really stunk.  Maybe it will be done by the end of my mission but who knows.  Walking around Rome, though, was so much fun.  The part of the city where our apartment is isn’t like what you would think of in Rome.  It’s more just a ton of apartments with houses mixed around.  It’s still really nice, but p-days are a a blast to be able to go further into the City. We went to a castle today and I think it is the one that has something to do with Marcus Aurelius, but I am not totally sure.  The view from the top of the castle was amazing. [Read more…]