I hope that everyone is doing well and you guys all had an excellent week.
This week we don’t have a ton to report on. We had a family home evening last Monday night and we invited one of our investigators and a less active we have been working with. They both came, which was super cool, but then before we got started our investigator had to leave to go talk to a guy about work. We called him to set up another appointment but the next day it fell through during study and we haven’t been able to get a hold of him since which worries me a little. I just hope that everything is ok with him.
We got to go see a different less active that we have been working with since I have been here and I always enjoy going to see him and he really appreciates us coming over and visiting with him.
In preparation for General Conference we watched On The Lords Errand, the documentary on the life of President Thomas S. Monson. It was really good and he really enjoyed it and I really love our Prophet. He is truly a disciple of Christ. I have read a lot of talks by him recently and I think of all the stories he has and how many lives that the Lord has touched through him. He responds to those promptings with loyalty and he truly is amazing. I am looking forward to hearing from the Prophet, the apostles, and the other leaders of the church this conference. I am looking forward to the guidance and counsel they offer and give.
Wednesday Anziano Rasband got sick again and we aren’t sure how so we have been at home a lot this week. We made it out enough for English course Thursday, specialized training Friday, and then a church activity Saturday. The specialized training (a zone conference without interviews) was really good and I really loved all the counsel we received from our leaders. It was really good and I felt encouraged by it. A lot of it was on fear and we were able to watch a talk that President Uchtdorf gave to the new mission presidents not too long ago and it was excellent. I was really glad we were able to receive this counsel and I am trying to make sure that I don’t fear anything in this work. This past conference Elder David A. Bednar taught that fear is the opposite of faith and gave this counsel.
“We can be blessed to conquer our fears and strengthen our faith as we follow the Lord’s instruction: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36).
Godly fear is loving and trusting in Him. As we fear God more completely, we love Him more perfectly. And “perfect love casteth out all fear” (Moroni 8:16). I promise the bright light of godly fear will chase away the dark shadows of mortal fears (see D&C 50:25) as we look to the Savior, build upon Him as our foundation, and press forward on His covenant path with consecrated commitment.”
I really liked this talk a lot and would challenge you guys to read it. Here’s a link to the talk. I think that we all are afraid of some things, but I learned that we really don’t have to be at all. With the Lord’s help we will be able to fear not.
We had a good time and saw English course students at the activity and it was about the Italian culture. We have one that we are hoping to be able to meet with soon. I feel bad for Anziano Rasband because he is sick right now and it is just hard for him to eat since nothing sounds good. He is just zapped from all energy. We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and we will be able to, hopefully, find out what is up.
This week we receive our transfer calls. Not really sure what will happen. I think that I am ready for a change, but the Lord knows better than I do so he will make sure where I need to be and who with.
I am excited for General Conference coming up and need to start preparing for it now and write down some questions that I have and be able to look to recovering personal revelation durning the weekend in how I can improve and the comfort we can receive through the prophet and apostles. I am so grateful the time we have to hear from them twice a year. I hope that all of you may be able to get the chance and make the time for the people that are here to guide all of us through this life and the world that we live in. So we are better able to do the things our Father in Heaven would have us do. I know that Christ is leading and guiding this church today through a living prophet on the earth as well as the apostles who all have been called to their sacred calling and set apart with the proper authority to do so. I love you all and hope that you all have a wonderful week and that you will be able to enjoy the wonderful blessings that God all has for us.
Anziano Garrett
[These photos are from Sorella Waddoups’ blog from this past week]
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