Ciao tutti!
I hope that everyone is doing well!! This week was really good and we were able to see a lot of really cool miracles throughout the week with what we had going on. I am sorry I don’t have a ton of time to write this email today. I lost a little bit of time with email this week.
We weren’t able to see a ton of our investigators this week, but we were able to have a lot of good lessons and that went really well. We were street finding and this guy next to us was walking right by us so we started talking and had a really good conversation with him, but we wasn’t too interested to hear what we had to say, since he was pretty firm in the things that he believed. At the end though we asked him if he would be interested to meet so that we could just share the message with him and then leave it up to him to find out its truthfulness. He said I would but you guys would have to come to me first. So we said yes right away and were able to go to a Catholic mass this week. It went well and then we had a lesson with him a few days after. It was super cool to see that it all worked out like that.
We had a member that wanted us to meet these two friends of hers so we were able to go over to her house and have a short lesson with her and then dinner, but it was a super cool miracle. The member was explaining these people to us and the fact that one of them was from Romania and such and that they were super cool. Well they were late but when they showed up I immediately recognized him. He was a guy we talked to on the street the previous Sunday with the same lady. It was super cool to see how the Lord works and was with us that evening as we explained about who we are and the Book of Mormon. It was super cool and we will be looking forward to getting to see them in the future. They are super nice and just genuine people. Another miracle was last night at our Geso we were able to see a group of kids about our age walking and we were doing a little survey and they stopped and were super interested in what we were saying. I was able to share the restoration with them and they were super interested and want to learn more. We had met one of these girls early when putting up posters for English Course during the week. These two sisters gave us their numbers and want to learn more and are smart girls so we hope that all goes well. We also had another ex-investigator move back recently so we picked her up again and she is super cool and really smart as well. We hope that all goes well with the work that is growing right now. [Read more…] about Cosenza – Week 5